A recent YouGov survey revealed that one in eight UK adults feel tired all the time, with 76% of British women saying they always or often wake up tired. With many of us juggling busy schedules and social obligations, occasional tiredness can be a normal physiological state and somewhat unavoidable. But if you find yourself constantly reaching for the coffee to combat persistent fatigue, there may be health issues causing your low energy levels.
How can tiredness and fatigue impact your health?
Tiredness can weaken the immune system over time and make it less effective at fighting off infections and diseases. When you are tired, your body produces fewer immune cells, such as T cells and B cells, which play a crucial role in identifying and eliminating pathogens. Tiredness can also produce higher levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can suppress immune system function. This can lead to a higher risk of infections, such as colds or flu, and make it more challenging for the body to recover from illnesses.
Weight gain is also a common result of persistent tiredness and fatigue due to a decrease in physical activity. As you are tired, this can impact your lifestyle and choices around diet and exercise. Motivation levels become low and you may feel sluggish and lethargic. However, such fatigue can be a common indicator of hormonal imbalance and issues surrounding thyroid health.
Could poor thyroid health be making you tired?
One of the primary symptoms of iodine deficiency is persistent tiredness and fatigue as iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormones which regulate metabolism and energy levels in the body. When there’s not enough iodine in the diet, the thyroid gland cannot produce enough thyroid hormones, which can lead to a condition known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is characterised by a slow metabolic rate, which can cause fatigue, weakness and tiredness. Lack of thyroid hormones can lead to a build up of waste products in the cells, which can further contribute to feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.
How do I know if I’m iodine deficient?
As our body doesn’t make iodine, it is important we consume enough in our diet or via supplementation. The main dietary sources are white fish, dairy and seafood with the recommended daily iodine intake for an adult being 150mcg. However, with modern diets shifting and popularity in plant-based lifestyles rising, much of the UK is deficient in this essential nutrient.
Symptoms of deficiency range from tiredness, fatigue and weight gain to dry skin, brittle nails and sensitivity to the cold. To help you find out how much iodine you are consuming daily to determine whether or not you are deficient, we have developed a nutritionist-lead iodine quiz – click here to take the test.
How can iodine can iodine boost your energy?
Supplementing iodine increases the production of thyroid hormones, which can in turn boost your metabolism, reduce tiredness and increase energy levels. The most rich, plant-based source of natural iodine is seaweed. However, seaweed admittedly isn’t the most palatable of foods outside of sushi! Doctor Seaweed’s Weed & Wonderful supplements make it easy to ensure you are consuming high quality and essential iodine through sustainably harvested Scottish seaweed. This nutrient is critical for optimal women’s health to maintain a healthy thyroid, boost energy levels, support weight management and maintain healthy hair, skin and nails.

Whether you're struggling with tiredness and low energy or brain fog and dry skin, click here to find the Doctor Seaweed supplement to add to your wellness routine that will make you look and feel wonderful.