Kelp vs Seaweed - What's the Difference? | Doctor Seaweed Blog

Kelp vs Seaweed - What's the Difference? | Doctor Seaweed Blog

There’s no denying that seaweed is taking the health and wellness industry by storm – and rightly so. Supplementing seaweed is being increasingly recognised as a natural way to address the nutritional gaps that are occurring due to the rise in plant-based diets. However – not all seaweed is created equal, and understanding and trusting the source of your seaweed is key to ensuring you’re getting the most out of your supplements.

Seaweed is a general term, encompassing over 10,000 different species. A more specific term is marine macroalgae – referring to the ‘large’ algae that grows in the sea. Just like land plants, seaweed needs sunlight, carbon dioxide and nutrients to grow – the difference being that it gets these nutrients from the water surrounding it, rather than the earth. Depending on the species, seaweed can be all different colours, shapes and flavours.

The seaweed used in Doctor Seaweed Supplements has the Latin name Ascophyllum nodosum, sometimes referred to by more common names such as egg-wrack or knotted-wrack. It is a species of brown seaweed, with the other two colour groups being red and green – it’s quite easy to spot these varying colour groups around rock pools on the beach.

Ascophyllum nodosum grows in an area known as the intertidal-zone – this is the area between low and high tide. This means that when the tide is low, the seaweed is uncovered, and when the tide is high, it is covered by seawater. These extreme conditions, such as going from wet to dry and experiencing different UV levels twice a day, are thought to be one of the reasons why our chosen species of seaweed contains the specific antioxidants and nutrients that it does.

How are seaweed and sea kelp different?

One of the main differences is that seaweed ranges dramatically in size, while sea kelp is always quite large. Another difference is that seaweed can be broken down into three groups – brown, green and red – sea kelp officially falls into the category of brown seaweed (even though it can vary in colour!).

Seaweed and sea kelp also grow in different environments – seaweed can grow in any marine environment including oceans, rivers, lochs and lakes. The seaweed in Doctor Seaweed's Supplements is harvested from the pristine waters of the Scottish Outer Hebrides. Kelp on the other hand is most often found along rocky coastlines, and only in salt water.

The definition of kelp, and which seaweeds are described as kelp can vary dependent on what country you’re in, so if you’re unsure it’s always best to check the actual species name. For example, in North America, the term kelp is often incorrectly used to refer to all brown seaweeds.

A beach in the Outer Hebrides where Doctor Seaweed's seaweed is harvested
Health benefits of seaweed and sea kelp

All species of seaweed and sea kelp differ in terms of the nutrients that they can provide us with. However, brown seaweeds generally have higher levels of iodine, with kelps often having extremely high levels. The iodine levels in kelps are not only high, but can vary greatly, so these should be well understood before using any as a food or nutrition source.

Iodine is an essential nutrient for our health, particularly for women’s health, and has a vital role in maintaining healthy thyroid function and regulating metabolism. It’s vital for optimal health that we consume enough iodine in our diet, however, it’s also important that the source we are getting this from is safe and well understood. The sustainable Scottish seaweed used in Doctor Seaweed’s Supplements is batch tested to ensure a safe and consistent level of iodine – this isn’t the case for many kelp supplements on the market.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency include low energy, difficulty with weight management, brain fog, dry skin and sensitivity to the cold. If some of these symptoms seem familiar, click here to take our 20 second iodine quiz to find out if you could be deficient. 

Seaweed capsules vs sea kelp tablets

A great way to decide which type of supplement is best for you is to look at the format that it’s delivered in. For example, our Pure Seaweed Capsules contain 100% organic seaweed – and nothing else. Our seaweed is simply dried, milled and simply put into a capsule to allow ease and convenience of use. Keeping the food source whole and natural allows the nutrition to optimally absorbed whereas many other seaweed supplements contain synthetic ingredients which the body quickly excretes. Kelp tablets often contain a very small amount of actual kelp, combined with artificial fillers and binders in order to produce the tablet style delivery format.

Did you know? In Doctor Seaweed's Independent Wellness Study, 70% of participants noticed an improvement in their energy levels from taking Pure Seaweed Capsules for just 30 days. Click here to view the full range of Doctor Seaweed’s award-winning Supplements and discover the wonder of seaweed.



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