Boots Menopause Network - Free Product Sign-up


We are delighted to have teamed up with the Boots Menopause Network to offer you a free trial of Doctor Seaweed's Weed & Wonderful Menopause+ supplement.

This all natural supplement is just one a day, and based around the natural nutritional wonder of seaweed plus other key plant-based ingredients that support various symptoms of the Menopause including supporting your:

  • Hormonal Balance & Thyroid Health
  • Energy & Reduction of Tiredness and Fatigue
  • Brain function and Mental Performance
  • Skin Maintenance & Bone Health

Please fill in details below so we can send you a 60-day pack to try. 

Once completed, we would appreciate your feedback on (the product will be live to consumers from November 2022) so others can understand how the supplements may benefit them. 

Please note:  This trial is only available to employees located within the UK